

祝读者们夏天快乐! 是时候来点暑期持续阅读了. 无论是娱乐还是休闲, reading reinforces our Ignatian mission by promoting the ideals of a lifelong learner who is “open to growth” and “academically ambitious.” Summer reading also cultivates a community of learners by having a large and diverse group with disparate experiences and ideas share the same text. 从分享经验中学到什么, 和深刻的, 关于那段经历的反思性对话!

历史系和英语系已经给你们发了暑期必读材料. 每个年级各系都分配了一本书. Go to each department’s summer reading tab to learn the specifics of each department’s requirements.

也 note that each department encourages you to “read beyond” the required readings. 正是通过阅读,mg冰球突破试玩网站更多地了解自己和人类的状况, 通常是通过那些与mg冰球突破试玩网站的旅程截然不同的人物. 大家都知道, 通常是通过塑造角色的勇敢, 蜿蜒的, 神奇的, 痛苦而自我实现的探索,mg冰球突破试玩网站找到了共同点, 共同的人性. So, seek to discover more about yourself and the world around you through your reading this summer. 在寻找 魔法师 你一定会有一个充满好书的暑假.

也, the Math Department requires summer packets to be completed based on your 2023-24 course.



Mr. Dave Fortin,历史系系主任
Mr. 安德鲁·法布里,数学系系主任
Ms. Sheri San Chirico,宗教研究主席
Mr. 安德鲁·惠兰,英语系主任


所有学生都必须阅读和注释与他们的课程相关的书籍. 你可以在下面找到英语系注释指南的链接. If you have any questions, please contact the English Department Chair Andrew Whelan at awhelan@felisayslisten.com.

就读于 荣誉英语一级 你必须阅读和注释 生命的季节——杰弗里·马克思. 

为大三学生准备的 AP英语III、 你必须阅读和注释 的蜕变弗朗茨·卡夫卡著. 使用SJP注释指南(见下文)对该选择进行注释. 批注在每年的第一堂课开始时缴交. 

为高年级学生准备的 AP英语四级、 你必须阅读和注释 克拉拉和太阳,石黑一雄著. 使用SJP注释指南(见下文)对该选择进行注释. 批注在每年的第一堂课开始时缴交. 

Both seniors and juniors will need to purchase either a paperback or hardbound copy of your assigned book and annotate that book using the Annotation Guide below as a resource. This guide will serve as your instruction sheet for how to read your book actively and critically. Be sure to bring your annotated copy of the book with you to the first day of classes in September. Your English teacher will grade your annotations based on how well you follow this Annotation Guide in annotating your books. These annotations will serve as a great aid to you during class discussions of the novel in the first week of school. 最重要的是,享受你的阅读!
            Annotating a literary text (or any text, for that matter) is a valuable skill for students to learn. Annotating can be defined as the process of taking notes directly on the literary text that you are reading. This is a skill that we in the SJP English Department want you to develop as you read your required novel this summer. 为了让这一切发生, you first need to know why annotating a text is useful and then how to annotate a text.
            Taking notes inside a text while reading is particularly useful because it forces your brain to transact with the text while reading. 真的, 无论何时你阅读,你的大脑都会一直这样做, but annotating provides you with the opportunity to become cognitive of your brain’s work because you are writing down thoughts as they occur to you. 也, 它可以让你跟踪重要的情节事件, 字符, 冲突, 文学技巧, 和主题,这样你可以更容易地回到他们在以后的时间. 事实上, 研究表明,经过六周的时间流逝, students with an annotated text can recall all of the key information in that text after a 15- to 30-minute review session. 最后,正如那句老话所说,把它写下来就是学习两次. The physical act of transcribing your thoughts while reading cements the information into your memory; once this is done, 稍后您可以访问它.
            注释是一种技能,像大多数技能一样,它需要实践来培养. Because most of you are probably novices when it comes to taking notes inside the text, 这里有一些一般的指导方针. 一次 you get comfortable with this skill, you may decide to craft your own parameters for annotation. 这里的目标是在开始时为您提供一个框架. Only you know how you learn best, though, so feel free to adjust or add to this list as needed.
1.         Mark key lines: Any time you read a passage that is significant to the plot or character
development, underline it and write brief notes to yourself in the margin describing the
2.         Ask questions: If a passage or scene is confusing, or if you want to know more about
what is occurring, bracket the passage or scene and jot your question in the margin. 然后你可以把这个问题带到课堂讨论中来澄清.
3.         React to what you read: If something in the text strikes you, surprises you, troubles you,
或者甚至让你发笑,在页边空白处标记并写下你的反应. 通常,这些
作者特意写了一些文章来引出这样的回应, 这样以后就能证明它们的重要性.
4.         Track themes: As you read, you will begin to discern the text’s threads or themes. 一次
你注意到了它们,你可以在它们每次出现的时候开始标记它们. 这是特别的
5.         每章末尾的注释:如果书被分成几章, you should take a few minutes at the end of each one to list its 4-5 most important plot events. 就在书里,就在这一章的结尾. 这种方式, when you remember a key plot event but do not remember where in the text it occurs, 或者你记不起哪个事件发生在哪个事件之前, you have a resource for easy reference instead of having to thumb through the entire book, 挖掘一小块土地.
            一开始, 您可能会发现这个过程有点费力, 但是通过一些练习, 这将成为你的第二天性. 最终, 如果你坚持下去,并在阅读时集中精力做一个积极的笔记记录者, you will find that you comprehend texts more fully and are better prepared to discuss and write about what you have read.
欧登,尼克. “如何以及为什么注释一本书。.” http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/courses/teachers_corner/197454.html. 5月6日.
齐默尔曼,伊妮德. 理解如何注释.” http://www.arteducators.org/news/national-convention/Zimmerman_How_to_Annotate.pdf. 5月6日.
*把这本注释指南折叠起来放在你的小说里,以便快速参考. 你也可以在Prep网站上找到这个注释指南.


历史系支持暑期阅读的想法. Reading – whether for pleasure or for information – reinforces our Ignatian mission by promoting the ideals of a lifelong learner who is “open to growth” and “intellectually competent.” Summer reading also cultivates a community of learners by having a large and diverse group with disparate experiences and ideas share the same text. The 历史 Department encourages students (and parents) to complement their reading with trips to local museums, 战斗的网站, 还有具有历史价值的地方, 以及整合网站和电影形象的探索.

仅限世界历史:  斯塔夫里迪斯詹姆斯. 海上力量. 世界海洋的历史和地缘政治 (企鹅出版社,2017). ISBN: 978 - 0735220614 

注意: The study guide is not mandatory--the book will be assessed in class through quizzes and other assessments.  点击这里.

:帕默,大卫.  AMSCO AP人文地理第二版.  (AMSCO, 2021).  ISBN: 978 - 1663609663 

注意:  学生应该仔细阅读第一章和第二章, 记笔记,准备课堂评估. They should also look over the table of contents to see what the course covers and decide which unit interests them the most and why.

仅限美国历史凯瑟,威拉. 我的安东尼娅. (Dover Thrift Editions, 1994).  ISBN: 978-0-486-28240-4  注意:  学生 must complete the attached study guide by the beginning of the school year. 点击这里

仅限美国历史: Marsh, Dawn G.  《mg冰球突破试玩网站》 (内布拉斯加大学出版社,2014).  ISBN: 978-0-8032-7520-1  注意:  阅读将在学年开始时进行评估.

仅限美国研究邓巴,埃里卡·阿姆斯特朗.  《mg冰球突破试玩网站》 (西蒙与舒斯特出版社,2019).  ISBN: 978-1-9821-3959-9.  注意:请在学年开始前完成学习指南. 点击这里

Rothstein,理查德.  《法律的色彩:mg冰球突破试玩网站的政府如何隔离美国的一段被遗忘的历史.  (W.W. 诺顿 & Co., 2017).  ISBN: 978-1-63149-453-6  注意:  The study guide is not mandatory--the book will be assessed in class through quizzes and other assessments.  点击这里.
麻袋,奥利弗. 把妻子错当成帽子的男人:以及其他临床故事 (古着出版社,2021).  ISBN: 978 - 0593466674 

注意:  阅读将在学年开始时进行评估.

社会学导论: 一篇文章和一本书中的一章. 参阅附件。.  注意:阅读将在学年开始时进行评估. 点击这里


学生, 如果你不确定你所注册的数学课程, 请给总公司打电话. 
  • MAT 408 - AP统计
  • 有限数学及其应用
  • MAT 414 -代数 & 金融应用程序
  • MAT 416 -统计入门


新生, 二年级的学生, and 初中 will not have required reading for Religious Studies. 

老年人:高级教师建议所有学生阅读 当坏事发生在好人身上 哈罗德·库什纳. 你需要买一本平装本或精装本. 

如有任何疑问,请与系主任联络 ssanchirico@felisayslisten.com.



